Enjoy The Most Unforgettable Moments Of Your Life At Our Villas


Renting a villa gives you the advantage of hanging out with your selected ones in common areas like swimming pools or dining areas. You can organize your pool party and can have fun with colleagues or friends or relatives without any disturbance or interference of any outsiders. You can have morning breakfast in your pajamas and your children can roam all over the villa without any chances of getting lost. This gives you and your family a sense of freedom and free-spirit and allows you to enjoy carefreely. Rental villas are getting many positive reviews around the world and people are positively accepting this culture, seeing its benefits.

There is a saying which says-“With every breath, we are one step closer to the grave, now is the time to explore the dimensions beyond body and mind.” Seaview Paradise Beach and Mountain Holiday Villas believe that when any person plans a holiday they come with the intention to explore something different, unusual from their normal boring lives and tries to forget every little tension on that trip. We believe that people visiting our villa should experience an unforgettable experience, enjoys freely and importantly it should be relaxing.

Seaview Paradise has the goodwill of great hospitality and customer care along with exclusive service and activities that provide you with the most fun and enjoyable experience. We have made more than 16 Thailand holiday villas on mountains and over beachside to give you the most stunning insights of the mountains and beach views. Our five spacious and modern-built beachfront villas in no seconds fill you up with positive vibes, with just a few steps away: the Gulf of Thailand soothing water and cold breeze running from the ocean towards your place. There is no doubt on the facilities and hospitality provided by our people to you. Seaview Paradise offers many more and special services to their guests to enhance your holiday memories. Please do visit our page and check out more details.

Contact Us

Seaview Paradise Resort Hotel

Address: 206/1 Moo 4, Lamai
Maret, Koh Samui
Thailand 84310

Outside Thailand
Telephone 66-89-648-7927
FAX 66-77-230-896

Inside Thailand
Telephone 089-648-7927
FAX 077-230-896

E-Mail: info@thaiseaviewparadise.com
Web Site: http://www.thaiseaviewparadise.com/b/home.htm