Learn Everything about Excision of Land in Nigeria @ Landsng.com


Landsng.com is the best resource for Nigeria’s Land and Property Records. You can get information on lands under government acquisitions, lands with revoked certificate of occupancy, and lands released by excision to communities or families around the location of your choice by using the filter and drop-down menu on the homepage or at the top right side of other pages.

Landsng.com is the largest non-governmental database for land and property records in Nigeria. It includes a patented tool for creating land survey boundaries on a map.

Excision of land in Nigeria in process land title is one of the land document titles you will find in real estate listings on this premium web site. By law in Nigeria, lands are under the control of State’s governors. However, historically before the 1978 Land Use Act, lands in Nigeria were mostly under the control of communities and traditional families. The Land Use Act of 1978, therefore, put lands directly under the authority of state governors, who can also release portions of these lands back to historic land owners with proven records of ownership. The legal release of lands by state governors to the original historic land owners (e.g. traditional families, villages, and communities, etc.) through publication of the name, size, location, and bearings of the released land in an official gazettes is called a land excision. The records of the released land must be captured in a government gazettes before it can conclusively be called a land excision.

The mission of Landsng.com organization is to help you minimize the risks of losing your real estate investments. This could be funds you intend to use in buying land, a house, or to rent a property. The best way to start is to be well informed and make use of available resources in order to make wise investment decisions.

Due diligence is something all investors have heard about, but very few investors really understand. It is one of the most important things you must do before closing on a property. Landsng.com offers Due Diligence Tools that are important for land owners. The tools and resources you will find here will help resolve one or few of the many challenges you may face. These due diligence tools are imperative that the buyer identifies and evaluates any and all potential problems.