Hirobumi & Partners Launches two Asian Fixed Income Funds


Hirobumi & Partners is aiming its two funds at relatively sophisticated investors, although it stresses that the Asian Credit Bond Fund should not pose a hurdle to anyone.

Hirobumi & Partners, a registered investment advisory firm independent of any financial institution that offers a full line-up of investment advisory services for corporate and individual investors today announced that has launched two Asian bond funds to broaden the range of fixed income pooled funds it offers that invest in the region.

The Hirobumi & Partners Global Indian Bond Fund is a single country strategy and at least two-thirds of the Fund’s assets in Debt and Debt-Related Securities which are issued by government or government-related bodies domiciled in India and local corporate. The Hirobumi & Partners Global Asian Bond Fund is pan-regional mainly investing in Debt and Debt-Related Securities which are issued by corporations in Asian country.
The timing of the launches reflects Hirobumi & Partners’ belief that Asian debt fundamentals are improving but miss-priced. The Indian rupee has held up well and inflation brought under control.

This anomaly is in part technical: global and emerging market benchmarks do not provide much exposure to Asia. Compounding that is a lack of awareness of what the region offers because fund manager coverage itself is thin and, in some cases, there are barriers to access. India, where Hirobumi & Partners holds a Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) license, is a case in point.

The team has been expanding its security due diligence, helping it to refine relative as well as fundamental value analysis.

Toshi Shizuka, Head of Asia Pacific Fixed Income at Hirobumi & Partners, comments: “The fundamentals of the Asian credit and, especially, Indian bond markets are compelling yet investor perceptions have not yet caught up. This is a part of the world where growth and savings are being generated and where policy makers are largely on top of events. In India the term structure of interest rates is in decline and that is very positive. Elsewhere, we find attractive real yields backed by decent, sustainable cashflows.”

About Hirobumi & Partners
Hirobumi & Partners is a registered investment advisory firm independent of any financial institution. Hirobumi & Partners offers a full line-up of investment advisory services for corporate and individual investors. Fundamental to the company’s investment philosophy is a well-diversified, low-cost style of investment management that has led the firm to become a pioneering investment advisory firm. Hirobumi & Partners’ goal is to break down and analyze highly complex situations and strategies, and communicate these issues in a clear and concise way – all designed to help the clients make informed and prudent decisions.
