The Real Tour To Yoga And Its Various Facets


Yoga a holistic practice of the body, mind, and soul has a different approach and meaning to every individual. For some, it is a fitness regime and, for many, it is a way of life that debars all the sorrows, the restlessness of the body, unsettledness of the mind that brings us towards a state of harmony. Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self, and by choosing any method of practice, in the end, it proves to be beneficial.

According to experts and theories, the ancient science of life is more than just a mere practice; it is a method for unfurling our concealed characteristics and arousing our lethargic resources.
Yoga is the medium that lets be aware of the spiritual being, the holistic art literally means to unite, and surely work on the unification of the body, mind, and soul to the universal consciousness. Yoga controls the mind that fluctuate the most between the extremities named joy, happiness, satisfaction and sadness, frustration, sorrow, and balances the being.
The misbalance of the body results in losing our abilities to harness the potential within which refrains us from the practice and forming oneness with the self and divinity.
So here we learn about the various facets of yogic practice, which you learn profoundly during 500 Hour yoga teacher training in India.

Four Realities of Life – Mind, Body, Emotion, and Energy
These are the four realities of life; mind, body, energy and emotion, and we humans use any of these four levels to reach the ultimate – the universal consciousness or divinity. If we use our emotions, it is called Bhakti yoga or the path of devotion. If we use our intelligence, we call it jnana yoga or path of intelligence. If we use body or physical actions it is called karma yoga or path of action, and lastly, if we use our energy to reach the goal we call it kriya yoga or internal action. These four ways help you to reach your goal of unifying with the divine.

Yoga Facets – The Physical Aspect
During the practice, we try to harmonize the body and ignite awareness to balance the structure and relax the being when in stress and tension. The body’s stress and muscle tension are the reasons for chronic or mild aches, disorders and the imbalance that cause definite distortion in the rightful functioning of the internal organs. The physical aspects can be corrected with the asana and pranayama practice that eliminate the imbalances, control moments, brings awareness, stretches the body and lets you experience new level of energies within.

Yoga Facets – The Mental Aspect
The mental aspect is one of the most important areas of yoga, and the whole process deals with realizing, knowing and understanding the mind, which also includes emotions. Emotional and intellectual stress both plays a huge role in our lives and both deal with the feelings of inhibition, security, complex, superiority, inferiority and more. With various practices of concentration and relaxation overcome the state of stress of emotions and disassociate with feelings, expressions, thoughts, and emotions. Practice meditation to bring awareness of the self, pranayama to open the mind and some relaxing yoga asanas.

Yoga Facets – The Spiritual Aspect
The last and crucial part, without which one can never achieve overall balance and wellness, is Spirituality. The spiritual aspect of yoga is about experiencing the spirit, internal energy, inner driving force, our thoughts, action, and becoming highly active. Combining the two major energies Chitta and Prana through the holistic practice one is able to experience the totality in life and know how to govern it in the right direction.
Traverse deep into the system of holistic art for gaining an ineffable experience, which can be done easily with the extensive and intensive program like Yoga teacher training in India.