Get Rid Of Your Knee Pain With The Heal Institute’s Knee Care Campaign


To create awareness about knee care and embrace the importance of World Health Day, The HEAL Institute has organized a Knee Care campaign from 3rd April 2019 to 30th April 2019. H.E.A.L. has been a pioneer in the field of sports science and physiotherapy in India. More than 10,000 patients including 50 elite athletes have been treated by H.E.A.L. over the last few years. The campaign will be held at multiple centers of The Heal Institute across Colaba, Worli, Andheri (West) and Khar between 8am and 8 pm. Those interested can walk in for free at any of these centers.

Joint pain, especially related to knee joints, have caused severe agony to older individuals. Senior women suffering from osteoarthritis comprise a substantial portion of the sufferers. However, the profile of those experiencing knee pain has been slowly changing. The reality of modern lifestyle is contributing to rising occurrences of knee pain among younger individuals. Being inactive, deficiency in the diet, avoiding exercise and obesity are some of the leading reasons. Therefore, The H.E.A.L. Institute felt that an awareness campaign about knee care is the need of the hour in a fast-paced city like Mumbai where there are many cases of individuals suffering from knee joint pains.

This campaign provides a comprehensive set of offerings. It includes free consultation for 20 minutes. The posture and alignment of the participants is checked. They can also avail detailed assessments of their feet and gait. Functional assessment that evaluates ease of sitting, standing and squatting are conducted. Range of various motions at the joint is measured. Muscle strength of participants is estimated. Special tests are conducted to diagnose specific knee conditions such as osteoarthritis, meniscus etc. Balance testing is also performed to determine the participant’s condition.

Namita Ambani, the COO of The HEAL Institute says “This is a golden opportunity for those enduring the agony of chronic knee or joint paints. They can secure credible diagnosis as well as a sustainable roadmap for healing. The H.E.A.L. Institute has been using pioneering pain management and relief techniques which have benefited thousands of patients over the years. We understand the importance of a healthy body and encourage anyone who is suffering from joint pains to visit any of our centres”