Find Out Bible Money Values From Matthew David Hurtado




23 April 2019 – Matthew David Hurtado proposes an amazing range of advices for those who are wondering to rise in the field of finances. The prosperity gospel that will help you find the balance between money and kindness is waiting for you. Do not hesitate to make use of the coolest opportunities that are provided to you on the YouTube channel of Matthew David Hurtado.


Have you ever sacrificed your money for a good deed? Maybe you gave alms to beggars, or in a supermarket you put coins in a donation box for poor children, participated in a charity event, or donated some amount to build a temple, or to publish spiritual literature? For many wealthy people, it is normal to regularly give a part of their income to the cause of God.


What kind of donations does God expect from us? In the family, parents usually give to their children a couple of coins. He saves them and saves them as a great treasure. With a childish naivety, he can once say to his father: “Dad, look how rich I am, I can even lend you a little if necessary. According to the Bible, a tenth of any income must be returned to God. This is a sign of respect and love for the Creator. Returning to God the tenth part reminds the scene when the mother, stroking the son’s head, says: “My dear boy, I am very pleased that out of the ten dollars given to you, you gave one for our common needs!” How can you hire a mother and her love for one dollar, you cannot buy God and His care for ten percent of the income. But, by returning the tithe to God, we thereby recognize Him as an accomplice in our life from the financial, bodily, social, and spiritual sides. Where should tithe and offerings be given? From the time of Abraham, the people of God gave tithes to the servants of the Living God in order to preach the message of salvation and so that many sinners could receive the love of God, repent of their sins and be saved.


About Matthew David Hurtado:

Matthew David Hurtado is a video blogger helping people all over the world to find the truth about some Bible notions. In one of his last videos, Matthew speaks about bible money principles that can open your eyes and help you understand how to attract money in your life.



Company Name: Matthew David Hurtado
