COMPLAIN.BIZ Helps You Complain Airlines




23 April 2019 – COMPLAIN.BIZ proposes amazing services for those who have ever faced any type of rights violation and would like to complain. No matter, was it a situation related to airlines or flights, or maybe some private or governmental institutions, there is also a chance to fight and to win.


Refusal of check-in, poor quality of service, damage or loss of baggage are typical situations that passengers face when traveling or traveling. But, being in a similar situation, you can not only achieve the protection of your interests, but also receive monetary compensation for the inconvenience caused by the airline. The first thing that a passenger who has encountered problems with using the services of the airline has to do is complain to the management about the violation of their rights or current legislation written complaint by mail, etc.). In most cases, this is enough to resolve the conflict, avoiding the intervention of regulatory authorities. You can create such a document on the model.


What should I do when I delay my flight? What the representatives of the airline are obliged to do: Passengers with a child up to 7 years old must immediately be sent to the mother’s and child’s room. If you have ever faced a situation of flight delay, then you should know exactly what your rights are. The full cost of a regular flight ticket (these rules do not work on charter flights) can be obtained back in case of: cancellation or delay of the flight; changes by the airline route of the aircraft; if more tickets were sold on the plane than there are seats in it or if instead of a seat purchased in business class, you are offered an economy class; if you had time for registration, but did not have time to board because of the delay in checking in or during the search (if you were not detained because of prohibited items); sudden illness of a passenger or illness or death of a member of his family flying the same flight; incorrect registration of the ticket by the seller; if you return the ticket 24 hours before departure.



COMPLAIN.BIZ provides a large range of info about steps that should be performed in case of rights violation. Explore what to do if your airline did not meet the rules on COMPLAIN.BIZ.



Company Name: COMPLAIN.BIZ
