Washington & Associates, Inc. (W&A) Launched a Strategic Plan Designed to Help Save Liberal Democracy, Unify Peoples, and Resist Authoritarianism Worldwide


W&A is a “startup” whose mission is to help save the liberal world order by reimagining and reinventing democracy.

Solon, OH, USA — W&A, a former holding company that is transforming into a “virtual startup’ geared to implementing a strategic plan and creating an international movement oriented to saving liberal democracy, unifying peoples, and resisting authoritarianism worldwide, had its official launch of the strategic plan.

Worldwide, tottering democracies coupled with “unfettered capitalism” are in crisis largely because their rhetoric does not match their reality. Rather than being the guarantors of opportunity, freedoms, equality, justice, fairness, and inclusion they have proven to be architects of oligarchy, kleptocracy, corruption, racial, gender, religious, class, and representational inequality, hyper-partisanship, polarization, identity politics, and zero-sum politics and economics. Authoritarians are taking advantage of these vulnerabilities by engaging in campaigns designed to subvert democratic processes, “weaponize” democracy’s (and capitalism’s) vulnerabilities and thereby destroy the liberal world order.

W&A has responded to these challenges by developing a universally applicable strategic plan designed to save liberal democracy, unify peoples, and resist authoritarianism and nationalism worldwide. The plan is contained in a recently published book entitled, Ensuring Justice, Fairness, and Inclusion in America: Managing Equity in the 21st Century, written by its President, Dr. Charles A. Washington, and in a series of five (5) white papers and promotional gear. The book and the strategic plan mark the first ever attempt to fully operationalize John B. Rawls’ seminal concept, “Justice as Fairness.” The strategic plan details a revolutionary (Rawlsian) management system called “Equity Management,” and a web-based software system called the “Plato Management Information System,” as solutions to this crisis.

Democracy’s problems are multi-faceted, and the solution must be as well. Saving democracy requires that it be reimagined and reinvented. Further, democracy must be saved in America first if it is to be saved at all. In response to this crisis, newspaper correspondents, think tanks, individual scholars, major universities (Harvard University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Pennsylvania), etc. have begun examining the crisis of liberal democracy and capitalism seeking ways to save them. These early efforts have no viable solutions to offer to date. W&A’s “Rawlsian solutions” call for establishing new social contracts in tottering democracies with emphasis on the promotion of representative consensus democracy, justice, fairness, and inclusion. The solutions that W&A is offering are the first and only real-world, comprehensive, practical solutions designed to save liberal democracy, unify peoples and resist authoritarianism worldwide (and by extension save capitalism) that can actually work.

Pursuant to its mission (“creating one vision and empowering one future”), W&A is soliciting all like-minded countries, governments, corporations, organizations, and individuals who are concerned about the current state of democracy and capitalism in America and around the world and who want to do something about it, to heed this clarion call. Explore our website (http://www.washington-associates.com). Download and read the white papers (http://www.washington-associates.com/white-papers). Buy and read the book (http://www.washington-associates.com/buy-the-book-on-amazon). Buy the gear from our flagship store (http://www.washington-associates.com/online-store) on our website or from our standalone satellite store (http://allfor1and1forall.biz) and display it proudly. Sign up [organizations (http://www.washington-associates.com/affliate-group-sign-up) and individuals (http://www.washington-associates.com/community-contacts)] and join the movement. Help us make the changes we all want. W&A will commit a substantial portion of the profits from the sale of the book and the gear to jump-start the implementation of the strategic plan.

About Washington & Associates, Inc.
Washington & Associates, Inc. is an S Corporation domiciled in Ohio. Its mission is to “create one vision” (“E Pluribus Unum”) and to “empower one future” (stable and legitimate liberal democracies worldwide).