I Know My Name Is Fire Encourages Everyone to Know Themselves.



Fire is an inevitable part of life. It is impossible to think of life without fire. Nonetheless, Fire is something that should be handled with the utmost care. Otherwise, it can cause disastrous events. Understanding the safety concerns of those who live in high-risk fire zones, Fire encourages everyone to keep their home safe by buying high-quality fire safety products.

After the Thomas Fire, many people are aware of the importance of fire safety. Therefore, they can confidently head to iknowmynameisfire.com to get the best safety products that they might not have previously considered.

Not just to these individuals, but the book “I Know My Name is Fire” is a short story that will help people who are looking to find meaning in their lives. Fire embarks on a journey of epic proportion.

Most people think about knowing themselves. However, distractions in life cause many people to abandon this philosophical quest. Interestingly, avoiding the task of knowing thyself does not make this vital undertaking disappear.

When talking about this book, Phoenix Publishing says, “The protagonist in this story will encourage you to both find your truth and appreciate your roots through her emotional journey into her past.”

About I Know My Name Is Fire:

The purpose of this book is to motivate people to know themselves, live in truth and be themselves. A portion of the proceeds from this book will go towards fire safety efforts in Southern CA.

For more information, please visit http://iknowmynameisfire.com/
