DE-CIX India’s New Website Launch


MUMBAI, India. (15th April 2019) DE-CIX Interwire Internet Services Pvt Ltd, one of the Leading Internet Exchange Operator in India launched its new Website DE-CIX India. this will be the Umbrella website for All Exchanges All across India. Currently DE-CIX India runs Mumbai-IX in Mumbai, DE-CIX Delhi, DE-CIX Chennai & DE-CIX Kolkata in Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata respectively.

This Website is completely revamped to match DE-CIX Global Design with Enhanced user experience and Features. This website will be a one-stop solutions for any query regarding DE-CIX India Exchanges or Mumbai-IX.

“We are super excited to launch our DE-CIX India Website which will match the DE-CIX Global experience with an Indian touch, we have debuted this website as keeping customer first. So our customers, our partners & visitors can access the information more smoothly and non-hassled way” Said Vivin Varghese Meleadan, VP – Marketing & Strategy at DE-CIX India.

This website will carry up-to-date information about our services, locations, Industry news, accomplishments and events. We will also we writing here about not only Peering and Interconnection Services but also about How to help Local ISP’s with Indian ISP Industry Updates Broadband News, IPv4, IPv6, ASN, BGP, Networks and other technical queries.

We highly encourage the visitors to have a look and suggest if they have Feedback or may be Compliments, We would love to hear that. Also join our Mailing list to get more about news, Updates and where we are headed to…!