Quality Expert Daryl Guberman Asks Viewers if They can Handle the Truth About ANSI-ANAB in Explosive YouTube Video


Daryl Guberman & Guberman-PMC are on a mission to wake companies up to the suspicious and dangerous links and ties Quality associations ANSI-ANAB have been proven to hold. In a new YouTube video, he delivers uncensored documentations, seeing if viewers can “Handle the Truth”.

New York, NY (USA), April 16, 2019 — It should be very obvious when an association is responsible for handing out Quality Certifications in very important areas (cyber-security is a good example) that an American company should feel confident that the association looking at their potentially sensitive systems and data can be trusted. For quite sometime now Quality Certification authority and Founder of Guberman PMC, a well-respected ISO quality consultation, compliance and certification company, Daryl Guberman (http://dguberman.com) have been investigating and revealing the dangerous truth about some of the largest Quality groups in the world like ANSI-ANAB. What’s been found is that they are led by a Chinese national, who as part of his agreement to be able to work outside his country must report back to the Chinese government about any of his activities or findings, and, to make thing even more complicated and concerning, these associations also have as members anti-American affiliates from places like Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, and Russia to name just a few. Guberman continues his quest to open eyes in this area with his latest YouTube video, “Truth On Self-Oversight By ANSI-ANAB & China-led IAF But Can You Handle The Truth?” (https://youtu.be/ZaNhbPNmngw). In the video Guberman shows how not only are these associations very suspicious but they actually practice “self-oversight” without any outside, trustworthy, body monitoring their behavior. Surely, something risky and dangerous.

“ANSI-ANAB so-called ‘self-oversight’ is like having a fox watching a hen house,” commented Guberman. “We need to make as many aware of this as possible and get companies to turn to pro-American, Israel-friendly resources for their quality certification needs. It’s a win-win for all involved – apart from America’s enemies.”

Not one to just share unsubstantiated opinions, Daryl Guberman and his team meticulously document all of the elements that they expose about ANSI-ANAB, along with related groups like the IAF, so any companies wondering about the truth can see it all with their own eyes and no filter and come to their own conclusion. A conclusion that would bring any rational pro-American, who is also not an anti-Semite in agreement with Guberman and Guberman-PMC. The truth is, after all, the truth.

For more information be sure to visit https://youtu.be/ZaNhbPNmngw & http://dguberman.com.

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