Main & Associates Are Experts in OH&S Risk Management


OHS Auditing is a program that is used by a business to gauge the potency of the methods and processes accustomed to meet OHS legislative and other legal administrative specifications. The internal OHS audit is an especially useful management tool to ensure that the OHS management is being conducted successfully and properly at all levels.

Elements relevant to the audits may involve the degree of maturity of the OHS, policy endeavours and implementation, and other alike issues. The information and understanding of key stakeholders within the organisation and additional organisational factors may also apply.

One significant problem in relation to building internal audit schedules is that they either do not meet organisational requirements and/or merely make an effort to achieve a level of conformance with governmental body requirements of authorities.

This is really substandard, and may expose enterprises to serious liabilities. To make certain a fully functional OHSMS which is capable of coping with all OHS Auditing issues and meets the factors of both statutes and significant legal claims, the organisation need to ensure that the internal audit is carried out on a holistic basis in which all areas of obligation, risk management and OHS are properly audited. The OHSMS must accomplish full coverage of all potential liabilities.

A management system must be operated and owned by the organisation. The most effective OHS consultants can meet all these criteria and can in addition provide ongoing support and services as required. OHS Consultants supplies a range of services including OHS management system design, advancement and implementation.

A well designed, produced and put in place management system cannot only provide additional function and legal deference but can be a valuable tool to generating your business to further OHS compliance improvement.

About Safe Systems:

Safe Systems offers safety consultation, risk administration, agreement management and safety management systems for self-insured corporations across Australia. Contact Safe Systems today to acquire more information about OHS Australia or visit their website.


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Caroline Springs VIC 3023
Telephone: +61 425 812 090