How refurbished is a win-win retail category?


Yuvraj Aman Singh who is CEO and Founder for Rocking deals is now an established player in the CERTIFIED REFURBISHED category.

Rocking Deals, procures returned phones, unboxed, and End-of-Life (EOL) products from leading brands and sell them after testing and repackaging. Yuvraj Aman Singh who is CEO and Founder for Rocking deals is now an established player in the refurbished category.

1. Tell us about Rocking Deals. Also, shed light on your business model.

We are into unboxed/excess inventory and refurbished products. We buy such items and repackage them after proper testing and sell them at a very good discount. Categories we do include electronics, mobile accessories, cameras, laptops, mobile phones, large appliances, personal care products, smart watches amongst others. We have started this category for major e-commerce players including Amazon, Shopclues among others. We retail a maximum number of unboxed units in the country. As far as our distribution is concerned, we have about eight distributors in the country.

2. Are you an official partner of any major CDIT/ Electronics company to look after their open-box or refurbish goods category?

We have agreements with Amazon, Flipkart also we are authorised by brands like Bose to sell their products with Brand Warranty. Since we are in a legal clause with them I cannot mention any names here But have more than 300 brands with us at any given time with more than 300k units

3. What kind of operational challenges do you see as far as refurbish category is concerned?
When we started, it was very difficult to explain this category to customers as the perception was since it is ‘already used’ so the quality would be not up to the mark. We had to make extra efforts to make them experience the product. It was a very difficult task to make customers understand the basic difference between unboxed and brand-new products. Gaining trust was a big issue, now is the time we have more than 4 million people using our products. We have changed the whole dynamics of the country as far as refurbish is concerned.

4. How many units of such products you are selling on a daily basis? Also, tell us about your largest category?

Rocking Deals are selling more than 2000 -3000 units everyday. All categories we do sell equally well.

5. What are the plans to expand the footprint from here on?

We used to run about 11 retail stores but now we are only on e-commerce. So, any e-commerce firm which is selling certified refurbished goods we are selling the maximum units on their platform. However, now we are keen to expand our retail footprint. Franchising is a win-win model as we are not asking the vendor to invest much in the retail store. We are looking add at least 100 retail stores on the franchised model.

6. What are the plans for the tier II market?

We are working towards creating a hybrid model. Under this model, all our dealers and franchise partners will not only sell via the retail front their inventory would also get listed on Amazon and 2GUD. So, all franchise inventories will be connected via a single channel which will be also accessible online.