Guberman-PMC Exposes the 3 Standards of Quality Associations ANSI-ANAB & China-led IAF & None are Good for America


Coming to the truth about quality certification associations ANSI-ANAB and the IAF, has been nothing but a series of shocks, surprises, and disappointments over the years for Quality Consultant expert Daryl Guberman. He sarcastically reveals their 3 quite revolting standards in a new YouTube video.

New York, NY (USA), April 11, 2019 — Many company’s seriously vital to American interests, like Boeing, sit on the board of the ANSI-ANAB, a quality certification association which is run by the Chinese-national led IAF. If this doesn’t make a company hesitate when considering using them for their quality certification needs, perhaps the knowledge that a long list of countries who openly despise the United States, like Iran, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea and many others are also equal members in these associations. This opens up the privacy and security windows of well-intended American companies who simply want their ISO certifications to cyber theft, and possible corporate espionage, all in the name of hostile foreign entities. One of the lone, and certainly the most dedicated and vocal opponents to this has been Guberman-PMC (, a CT-based pro-American Quality company and their founder and CEO Daryl Guberman. Guberman is increasingly well-known for his hard-hitting videos tackling this subject from all directions. In a recent YouTube video, which is short and to the point, Guberman reveals the “Three “Standards” of ANSI-ANAB & China-led IAF: 1) Hypocrisy 2) Cronyism 3) Anti-Americanism” ( something not many in related industries will want to miss.

“When we set standards it is all about maintaining excellence,” commented the always passionate and well-spoken Guberman. “With ANSI-ANAB and the IAF their standards seem to be a rush to the bottom to become as despicable as possible. It’s a shame that they could be allowed to operate this way in our great country and we can only hope someone does something about it, while we have a great man like President Trump in office.”

Guberman-PMC is happy to offer quality consulting and certification for a long list of different ISO’s, covering almost anything an American company could need. All without having to harbor the guilt of working with elements of very serious disrepute or possibly compromising their own security in any way.

Expect Daryl Guberman’s video series to continue, and if anything, to become even more intense.

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