All you have to know about Video Wall Benefits and Solutions


A video divider comprises of different PC or TV screens tiled or covered to shape what gives off an impression of being one huge screen. Regular showcase advances utilized incorporate Direct View LED clusters, LCD boards, and back projection frameworks. This setup regularly results in thick divider lines, or bezels, that can substantially diminish the video divider’s distinct region. Even though some screen makers have found a way to lessen them, it is difficult to dispose of them. Toward the day’s end, these many screen setups still resemble a few TVs stacked over one another.

The History of Video Walls

Indoor LED Video Wall Displays were created in the mid-1980s. The screens were frequently TVs or CRTs, making the hole between the screens entirely perceptible. “Picture part,” a strategy that utilized a much number of filters to indicate bits of a single picture or message was satisfactory, best case scenario yet critical pieces of that picture or message were frequently absent due to the thickness of the bezels. The innovation gradually improved through the 90s and mid-2000s however one angle stayed consistent: Bezels, regardless of how meager, were diverting.

The One-Screen Video Wall Solution

NanoLumens’ industry-driving video divider arrangements include a wide scope of various sizes and goals with protected genuine bent video divider innovation. This consistent, ultra-fine pitch direct view LED video dividers to have ZERO bezels and the slimmest establishment profundities. NanoLumens’ inventive LED video divider arrangements are explicitly intended to convey exact and splendid visual messages on the planet’s most requesting environments– from control rooms to digital signage and engineering applications. Try not to leave your presentation answer for simply any organization. Download our free white paper for the Nano Lumens contrast. Outdoor LED Screen Dubai greatly helps in fields like security and surveillance and much more.

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