Firewood Delivery in Sydney: Offering Seasoned Firewood Supply!


A family based business; We Deliver Firewood is offering quality firewood in Sydney to the Blue Mountains for 35 years. Originally based in Prospect, our yard has recently moved to a rural setting where we have proceeded with our seasoned firewood supply to all of Sydney. Compliance with the National Code of Practice for Firewood Suppliers, we offer different Firewood types: Ironbark, Red gum, Box, Standard Eco-Hardwood and Kindling.

Firewood Delivery in Sydney offers sustainable and legally sourced wood. Firewood is generally sold by the volume, and our own is sold by the cubic cm. What you arrange in volume is conveyed as our bins have been guaranteed by the Firewood Association.

Firewood correct moisture content should be less than 25%. Don’t settle for that firewood sold on the side of the road. The correct sort of firewood can have a huge effect in the execution of your fireplace and stack framework. In the event that you need fires that consume neatly and productively, you should just utilize firewood that has been appropriately prepared, or dried. Using green, or wet, wood can bring about smoking issues, smell issues, and quickened creosote buildup, which can prompt a risky chimney fire.

Firewood comes in various types: soft or hard woods, quick to light or difficult to light, fast burning, long lasting burn, large flames or small flames. Appropriately seasoned firewood will normally have darkened ends with noticeable breaks or parts and will be substantially lighter than green wood. You can likewise thump two bits of the wood together, and if you hear a reasonable thumping sound, the wood is in all likelihood prepared.

Also, wood cleaning service success rate is 98-99%. Firewood will be delivered as close as possible to your desired spot, contingent upon access for truck. Stacking of the Firewood is the responsibly of the beneficiary. When we are on your property, all care is taken. Our other products include blocked timber, hollow logs, whole logs and party wood. So, choose correct seasoned firewood supply with us.

About the Company:

Originally based in Prospect, We Deliver Firewood has been offering quality and legally sourced firewood for 35 years. Compliance with the National Code of Practice for Firewood Suppliers, we offer sustainable and legally sourced wood. Choose renewable source of energy and get moisture free firewood supplies from us.

Contact details:

Address: 80 Beresford Road, Greystanes, NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9631 9756
Mobile: 0418 401 069