Explorer? Watch out for these amazing Expos in Delhi


India is a vibrant country and this is seen exponentially in through the number of vivacious exhibitions organized across the country, centered on culture and industries. Exhibitions act as a medium to boost the economy to promote various initiatives and culture, which is why exhibition organizers and service providers work tirelessly to make exhibitions a success. Even the hoteliers carve out special corporate travel deals specially to ease out the stay and experience of the guests and visitors, supported by the extravagant preparations by the organizers to make it happen, a conjoined effort to bring the culture and economy together.

Which is why, we bring to you three most promising exhibitions in New Delhi, which you must not miss this year.

Wedding Asia

The wedding is the most important day for one’s life as it embarks the beginning of a new life and Wedding Asia strives to make this day a perfect day for the bride to be. Watch out for this mega exhibition on July 19- July 21, 2019, at The Ashoka and witness the magnificence of the wedding tales told through exclusive bridal wears, jewelry and wedding plans and ideas that will take the load of making your day memorable, off from your shoulders.

AAHAR- An International Food and Hospitality fair

Focusing on improving the food standards in India, this expo stands out to be the best in town event. Showcasing fresh products and promoting the importance of improving food quality and standards, it exhibits fresh produce, confectionary and bakery products, dairy products, canned and processed products, healthy, natural and organic products, ingredients, convenience food items, frozen, poultry and seafoods and what not. A complete world of food exhibited under a single roof. So reserve for yourself a day dedicated to this international food and hospitality fair from 12-16 March 2019.

Exhibition Excellence Awards

Exhibition Excellence Awards is an award celebrating the initiatives promoting national growth. Supported by Ministry of Skill development, NSIC, ASSOCHAM, PHDCCI, Indian Exhibition Industry and many more, this is India’s one and only award for the exhibition industry. Promoting the exhibition and convention industry, EEA focuses on awarding and celebrating the driving forces that successfully organize exhibitions and promote business. Happening on March 23, 2019, this is the biggest fair where organizers, service providers, venues are awarded for their excellent contribution towards the industry.

So when in Delhi, do find time to visit to witness these amazing expos and experience the grandeur it brings along with it. Though, for some, you might need to register first and book yourself a seat.
