Press release from The Rug Republic


The Rug Republic (TRR) is all about simplifying the journey from the factory to the floor. A journey that brings home, handmade best-seller rugs to customers globally. Some of the most adorable rugs we make are from recycled materials, denim being the hottest in global home fashion.

Here is a photo-story of how these jeans are imported from across the world in containers and each component of theirs is recycled into things of value. Each shred of metal is separated, jeans are then cut down into strips which go over spindles and then woven into alluring rugs by age-old “pit looms”. Group of highly skilled craftsmen takes up to 10 days of work to create each of these unique rugs.

We warmly invite you to visit our website and review our entire collection.

Please contact us for more information and any other questions, you may have.

Gaurav Manga
(Relationship Manager)