Buy Japanese Whiskey from Third Base Market


10 April 2019 – Third Base Market & Spirits offers you the chance to buy exclusive Japanese whiskey brands such as Suntory, Yamazaki or Hakushu.

The most popular whiskeys are coming from America, Ireland or Scotland, which are actually called scotch. However, have you heard about Japanese whiskey. Most people, who are not whiskey connoisseurs, do not know that Japanese are even manufacturing whiskey. Usually people believe that whiskey comes from western countries. However, in 2015, a Japanese company produced the Yamazaki whisky, which has been applauded by most critics. Some even said that it is the best whiskey in the world in 2015. Until 2000, Japanese produced whiskey only for the domestic market, however, after they have started exportin bottles outside the borders, people started noticing the quality of their brands.

We all know the quality of Japanese products, such as cars, watches or electronics. High-quality production and manufacturing process is intercalated in the Japanese culture, that is why anything they produce, they will try to reach perfection. You can see this when you buy a car or watch. It will last for ages. Same principle they apply when they produce whiskey. Japanese whiskeys have won numerous prestigious competitions. The Yamazaki whisky has been selected the top whiskey in the world a few consecutive years. It beat other international brands with a long name in whiskey production. It is produced by the Suntory company, which also has a different bottle called Suntory whiskey. The last one is for people that do not want to spend an arm and a leg on a bottle of whiskey. If you are in between, do not want to buy the most common bottle of Japanese whiskey, or you just want to buy something really special for someone to impress, then you can opt for the Hakushu 12 years. This is a single malt whiskey distilled in the mountain forest distillery in Suntory. It is gently smoky and has herbal notes. All kinds of Japanese whiskey can be ordered from Third Base Market & Spirits. They have a very large catalog of whiskey and other spirits from all over the world.

Buy Japanese whiskey for you or for someone special to you, and you will definitely impress.

About Third Base Market & Spirits:
Third Base Market & Spirits is an online spirits store where you can find extraordinary and more common whiskey and other spirits bottles from around the world.