The 12th Guangzhou Int’l Garden Machinery Fair (GMF 2020)


The 12th Guangzhou Int’l Garden Machinery Fair (GMF 2020)
Date: March 16-18, 2020
Venue: Guangzhou International Sourcing Centre
Address: No.8 Pazhou Avenue East, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China

China, One of the Biggest Garden Machinery Producers
As one of the largest exporters countries of garden machinery in the world, China has formed a mature and complete industrial chain of garden machinery by introducing talents, technologies, and management patterns from experienced western enterprises following the rising tide of international industrial shift and has achieved an annual growth of over 30% in gross output.

Review of GMF 2019
GMF 2019 had received 9350 visits and 220 exhibitors from more than 30 countries on a 25,000 sq.m. show floor with 94% overall satisfaction rate, featuring big brands like STIHL, Makita, Bandit, Gardena, Rain Bird, Honda, Weibang, REAL, Koteso, C&J, EFCO, Shindaiwa, Tidejet, etc. Pruning & planting equipment, gardening tools, and chemical prayers are three of the most welcomed sectors on the show.

Preview of GMF 2020
As a leading garden machinery expo in China, GMF 2020 is keeping making history with 30,000 sq.m. exhibition area, 300+ exhibitors and 11,000+ professional buyers.

This year, we will put more emphasis on inviting top international exhibitors. Classical old brands from the western world will find a new platform to display their premium quality and technological creativity. Plus, global industrial elites will be invited to China Garden Machinery Dealer Conference to point out the future of Chinese garden machinery industry of great potential.

Exhibition Scope
Planting & municipal machinery: tillage machine (rotary tiller, cultivator), soil preparation machine, ground drill, land spray machine, tree digging machine, digging machine, earth boring machine, tree moving machine, drafting machine, harvesting machine, garden sprinkler, spray truck, generator, golf course machinery, equipment accessories, etc.
Pruning & spraying equipment: lawn mower, trimmer, brush cutter, hedge trimmer, chain saw, engine, pump, sprayer, pesticide sprayer, mist sprayer, fan, pulverizer, fertilizer spreader, power saw, high branch saw, hair dryer, punch machine, high pressure pump, washing machine, accumulator, lithium battery, electric garden tools, various saw blades, grass heads, equipment accessories, etc.
Irrigation equipment: spray head, nozzle, spray gun, solenoid valve, controller, pipes, irrigation tools, micro-spray, joints, water gun, water pipe, leather (soft) pipe, drip irrigation equipment, drip irrigation machinery, drip irrigation technology and water saving technology, etc.
Gardening hand tools: handicraft shear, pruning shear, hedge trimmer, hand saw, high branch saw, and various of shears, saws, shovels, hoes, kits, etc.
Greenhouse equipment: planting tank, water supply system, temperature control system, temperature sensor and thermostat system control box.
Other horticultural products: Watering tools, grass rope, containers, films, etc.