Know Why Magnetic Name Tags Are The Safest Option For Name Badge


Plastic name badges endure any kind of wear and tear on it and any small scratch does not make it look ugly. When it is the matter of pining up of name tag concerned, then we should choose safer option. In that case, we need to opt for magnetic name tags.

Name tag in any company is meant for recognizing any employee inside the office. These tags are also called as identity badges or ID tags, as they carry the information of the employee, printed or engraved on it. This kind of badge is meant for showcasing the name, designation, logo and name of the company along with few other information of the employee. In many name badges, we can notice blood group and emergency number of the employee. This kind of information is printed on it because if any kind of uncanny situation arises, then at least this badge will help to give the proper identity of the person. Name badges are also meant for representing the employee to the clients. If someone is wearing name badges while to visit client; then it gives the hint of the designation and purpose of visit to the client.

So, we can see that these badges are really important for any employee and employer. This kind of badge is found in different materials like paper, plastic and metal. Paper badges can be customized as per the client’s needs. These badges can be designed as you instruct graphic designer of the printing department in your organization. You can choose your own font style and size. You can even instruct designers to place the logo and name of the company, if you are creative enough.

When you are choosing any Magnetic Name Tags Singapore, then you have variety of choices. You can choose several options from gold, silver or any other metal. If you are choosing gold option then it shows that you are very much finicky about your prestige and you can contribute any amount of money for this. When you are going for silver or copper badges, then you want elegance in style but in cheaper rate. While you are choosing plastic name badges, then it can be very reasonable and durable for you. Plastic name badges endure any kind of wear and tear on it and any small scratch does not make it look ugly.

At you can buy magnetic name tags as well as Snap Slap Bands Singapore at affordable rates.

Sontact Information:

Renosis Industries Pte Ltd

Sales Hotline : 91817766

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Office Fax: +65 67582719

