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Anurag Basu and Prerna Sharma are two individuals who belong to two different worlds. Prerna is the daughter of Rajesh Sharma who works for Moloy Basu. Moloy has three children; Anurag, Nivedita and Tapur. Anurag’s mother Mohini dislikes the Sharmas because of their poor status and leaves no opportunity to berate them. Anurag and Prerna study in the same university. Due to a series of events, Prerna and Anurag start conversing and slowly form a bond of friendship with each other.

Enter Naveen Babu whom Mohini considers as her brother. He is a pervert and has a history with many women. He sets his eyes on Prerna but she ignores his advances. Naveen shares his feelings with Mohini who takes their proposal forward. The Sharmas reject the relation. Mohini feels humilitated. She sends a letter to the Sharmas stating that Rajesh took a loan from Moloy and the deadline has exceeded and they will have to evacuate their house. Prerna reads the letter before everybody and gets emotional. She agrees to marry Naveen but with a condition that Naveen will help her family. Prerna’s family, Anurag and Moloy dislike this union. A mysterious woman named Madhuri appears who continuously gives advice to Naveen on how to conquer Prerna. She is revealed to be Naveen’s wife.
kasauti zindagi ki

kasauti zindagi ki episode