How to Make Your TENS Unit Electrode Pads Sticky Again


Each ten cushion client knows the problem when the TENS unit cushions lose their stickiness. On the off chance that you don’t have premium quality TENS cushions like Santamedical and others, at that point your issues may begin even before they loosen up your muscles. Be that as it may, whatever is the quality the glue is destined to go into insensibility. Be that as it may, a couple of things should be possible so as to bring back the stickiness. It is much simpler, however, to simply endeavor to draw out their life.

The techniques that you can use to expand the stickiness of the gel are:

1. Wipe with a Damp material: The primary purpose behind misfortune in stickiness is amassing of residue and oil from your skin on the cushions. Cleaning with a dry sodden fabric will evacuate it.

2. Use an Electrode gel: Spray the cathode gel on the cushions and rub the cushions together to recapture its stickiness. you can undoubtedly discover these gels on Amazon.

3. Get new cushions: New cushions ought to be utilized following a couple of months relying on the utilization. Make sure to purchase cushions with Premium Gels as they stick for longer like Santamedical Electrode Pads.

Aside from these some home cures should be possible so as to grow the life of your cushion’s glue.

1. Take a little paintbrush and apply clean water from it on the cushions. enable it to dry and the Electrode unit cushions may hold some stickiness. On the off chance that you erroneously connected excessively, at that point keep it in a cool spot.

2. Always store them in the holder given by the Manufacturer. A trap is to keep them in a fixed pack so as to keep up their stickiness.

3. You can likewise utilize a hand sanitizer rather than water to build the stickiness of the cushions.

Continuously recall that a Premium and great quality Electrode Pads will last more. For most extreme advantage the cushions ought to be supplanted after at regular intervals as the cathodes lose their conductivity which will hamper the exchange of current to the body.