Entrepreneurs Start Your Promotion Through Bulk SMS Service


For a start-up, it is always difficult to establish themselves in the market, as it requires a lot of marketing and it is very hard to do when you are a beginner and don’t have a lot of money, as it is said true, that marketing requires a lot of money and energy, so it is not possible for the beginners to invest a huge amount in marketing process and they are also not having that much human resource. For such case, bulk SMS service can be used for promotion, as it is more effective as compared to a press release, Classified Ads, and other services, also the majority of people read the SMS they receive and respond to them. There are many other benefits of the bulk SMS service like:


In other methods of marketing like brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or marketing through salesperson or human resources, they all take a lot of time, for printing a brochure or other marketing thing it requires time, you first have to design and then give it for printing, and human resource when do marketing they too take a lot of time in traveling from one place to another. On the other hand, through Bulk SMS service you can send an SMS in a single click and in a minute only, and also, by it feature of adding multiple contacts, you don’t have seat back and select various contacts differently and doesn’t need to type the message for each contact. You can make a simple and readable SMS with good quality content and can send it to multiple contacts with a single click.

Target Audience

To get a good response, you can create a group according to age, gender, interest and other criteria and can send the message, as each age group and every gender are always not interested in the same types of products and services, so when you divide your audience and then according to there interest you send them SMS, this will help you in knowing how many people of which group are there in your contact and how many more to achieve, through this you can set a target audience.


The bulk SMS service is very cost-effective as it does not requires a lot of money and there is no wastage like of paper, ink and most importantly energy. Preparing brochures and pamphlets need a lot of money and they also need a human resource to distribute them, and the cost of sending an SMS is very less than the cost of preparing a brochure or pamphlets. Therefore, for a start-up business, bulk SMS service must be used for promotion to save money.


In bulk SMS service you can also track the result, the report tracking option will help in getting a prediction on how many people are interested in your service and what response you are getting for your business and service. When you use other modes of marketing like you hire some people for distributing your pamphlets then there is no guarantee that they are circulating the pamphlet to the correct audience.

Other then this there are other features of bulk SMS service like

1. 24×7 delivery: There is no issue of day or night you can send SMS anytime and from anywhere, so you don’t have to wait for morning or the weather to become good and pleasant for marketing.

2. Unlimited Receiver: You can add unlimited contacts to your list, and your SMS can reach thousands of people at the same time.

Kiri infotech will help you, in promoting your business and in your marketing by its bulk SMS service, one of the best company for bulk SMS service, Kiri infotech has various features in bulk SMS service like less expensive, we provide the best service at a very nominal rate compared to other service providers, we have a multilingual platform through which you can send message in the regional language which can be easily understood by your audience, Our gateway supports CSV file format of your database, Quickly upload data without any hassle, On web interface, you can schedule your campaign for any future date and time, and many other features are also available.