Just Eat Clone From ComeNeat


Our Just Eat Clone is a completely incorporated on demand food delivery programming for your food delivery business. Dealing with your store conveyances has never been so natural.

We get a handle on that getting a takeaway is a phenomenal treat – in light of the way that it is for us too! Just Eat Clone don’t love much else other than that minute the doorbell rings and you can begin crunching down on new foods. In context of that we keep making without question we simply rundown quality help made by a couple of thousands of eateries partners we know and work with.

By surfing on the names of Restaurants recorded on the site, clients are presented to Restaurants they may somehow or another never have known. Comeneat will take the Restaurant business to the higher level.

Comeneat helps the Restaurant proprietor by making costs more pocket-obliging for Customers and Restaurant. In this manner, customers are saved from the cost of a visit to the Restaurant while the Restaurant proprietors spare cash on displaying overheads and space since they can sit and serve the unlimited number of customers on a virtual stage.

An Order getting application is given to the Restaurant proprietors. This order accepting application transforms out a Smartphone or Tablet into a order getting gadget and controls your order taking and food delivery process in a basic way.

As the online platform fabricates a more grounded online nearness for any Restaurant, Comeneat gives a less demanding interface to the clients to recognize the Restaurant web based, bringing about more deals.

Comeneat, an food order take away and delivery platform offers a range of features like Order Tracking, Driver Management, Track location, Map, Order tracking for customers etc…

Source : http://www.comeneat.com