Enhance the element of credibility in your real estate agency using Bulk SMS


Technological changes have influenced almost all industries including real estate. Today properties are available online for being sold and many online ventures have changed the way property business conducted in India. Along with huge accountability, real estate vendors also require to be very effective in communication. The changing trends emphasize quick and effective conduct with the target customers/prospects. To fulfill such needs, text msg has come up with the great efficiency to cater to all communication needs. Take a look at below that how a real estate vendor can be benefitted using Bulk SMS.

Enhance Sales

Looking to increase sales? Send information about the available property to a large number of people in a very cost-effective way using text message marketing services. With a 98% open rate, text messages occupy a dominant place as the most effective and reliable tool of mobile marketing. Various information related to your property business can be disseminated quickly to a substantial big audience. Such quick exposure makes the public familiar with the available property and hence enhance sales.

Be an accountable property vendor

Remain connected with the clients/target audience is the need of the hour. Public expect from their respective service providers to make them notified with various events and activities. Automated reminders, notifications, alerts, etc. can be sent anytime to a large number of people. Various daily transactions and events like rent paid or due, maintenance dues, acknowledgment of payment received, etc. can be sent quickly. Such robust communication creates positive perceptions about the brand in the eyes of the public and makes them more accountable in front of them.

Be the always available service provider

Make your customers familiar with their needs by sending them alerts of the property matches with their needs. Such practice will certainly strengthen communication channels of your enterprise and will cause an increase in exposure of your property stock. This exercise will further increase your sales by sending material information to the relevant customer at the right time. Such acts will provide you an extra edge over your competitors.

Stay connected with field workers or agents

Text message marketing has emerged as the most fruitful mobile marketing tool with marvelous delivery rates. The tool is so dynamic in nature that it doesn’t require any extra hardware or installation cost to work and works well without an internet connection. As a property vendor, you can use this tool to strengthen your internal communication where you can stay closely connected with your workers or agents. The workers or agents can be informed about the site visit requirement of a prospect, meeting schedules, etc. internal communication of day-to-day business affairs can be exchanged with ease and efficiency.

Increase your web traffic and add more colors to your marketing campaign

With the advancement in technology, bulk message service has upgraded with many multi-utility tools. One such tool is URL shortener, which allows a user to put the link of the website or of a landing page with the body of the message. The dynamic tool shortens the long URL of the website or a landing page to a few characters in order to save the precious character limit of the text message. In this way, a user can also raise the traffic of its website or landing page and can promote the available stock in a multi-dimensional way. Besides, the tool also empowers the user to track the interested customers/prospects as it gives the number of recipients who clicked the link of the concerned web/landing page. Such tracking of interested users can be used to optimize further campaign as now the user has shortlisted the core interested users who have expressed their interest by clicking the link.