World Direct Media search for short films for sponsorship youtube show


World Direct Media is searching for short films to broadcast on an all new film channel on youtube.

The show deals with supporting new filmmakers and giving them and their short film the exposure worldwide. World Direct Media will also post random submitted films on their social media links to help and support the filmmakers, giving them full credit of their work. You’ll be able to see the show on World Direct Media and Direct Movie Reviews and the film channel that’s in production now. Your film can be added to the show list at any time and be shown back to the viewer’s none stop and never removed from the show. Once the show is broadcasted you’ll be able to copy the link and post on your own social media page to share with others.

For more details or to submit your film (s) contact the producers of the show for more details.

Send your short film (s) to,

Your film will be review and added to the screening list for April / May/ June show list if producers select it.

You can also contact us at (contact Us, bottom of page)