Secure your Engineering Seat this Fall.


Hey there Engineering aspirant! How are your preparation for the Engineering Admissions going on? Since this is April, you must be done with your Board examinations and now you must be about to appear for the JEE Main examination. Yes, the incredible entrance examination for all of us Engineering aspirants. Earlier during January session of the examination, the questions were tough but not as compared to what is expected in the April Session. From some un-named resuorces it is speculated that this April Session exam is going to be more complex than the previous one. All the best guys for your examination.

So what happens after you are done with the examination process. First of all there is JEE Advanced too. If you are expecting admissions in IIT then you have to clear the JEE Advanced examination too. Once the results and Ranks are out, the candidate will move on to JoSAA Counselling 2019 process. The counselling process is conducted mainly for the process of admissions in IITs, IIITs, NITs, and GFTIs. The candidates must be informed and have complete information about the counselling process. Lets see what is this counselling all about.

JoSAA Counselling
For the purpose of admissions in the engineering colleges the candidate must appear for the counselling procedure. The counseling process is conducted by Joint Seat Allocation Authority, JoSAA. The counselling body collects all the relevant data about the candidate aspiring for the admissions in the Engineering colleges and then allots them seats based on their scores and ranks. The counselling procedure initiates with the registration. Using their JEE Main login credentials, the candidate is suppose to login on the official website of the JoSAA. The registration form will be released on the official website itself.

The registration form requires the candidate to fill in their personal details along with their scores and ranks. The registration period is only available for approximately a month. The candidates should make sure that they fill and submit the form in due time. If you fail to register, you will not be able to sit in for the counselling process.

Opening and Closing Ranks
The candidates would submit their ranks along with their registration forms on the official website. Each college will announce their opening and closing ranks on the official website of JoSAA. Joint Seat Allocation Authority announces the Opening and Closing Ranks for all the participating institutes and each and every courses that is offered by the institute. The candidates who fall into the range of Opening and Closing rank will be able to appear for the counselling of the particular round at the particular college.

Allotment Letter
Soon enough the Allotment Letter is released by JoSAA on the official website for the candidates to download. The candidate is required to download this Allotment letter from the candidate’s Portal. The allotment letter mentions the reporting center name and address for the candidate. The candidate must submit their login credentials and download the Allotment Letter. The allotment letter of the JoSAA Vcounselling is like an admit card. It provides an authority to the candidate to appear for the counselling procedure in the reporting center.

Reporting Center
The reporting centers are chosen by the counselling conducting body, Joint Seat Allocation Authority. To reach the reporting center the candidate must download the allotment letter. In the absence of the allotment letter, the candidate will not be allowed to enter the reporting center. It is necessary to be in complete knowledge of the whereabouts of the reporting center.

Document verification
In the reporting center, the candidate has to go through the document verification. All the necesaary documents must be presented in original and in copy to the counsellor. The documents will be verified on the spot and the candidate will be allotted the seat in the college. The candidate is suppose to submit the fees and freeze their seat. Or the seats are then passed on to the next candidate in line. It is important top be on the time.