How Often Should You Clean Your Bathroom?


Those who enjoy cleaning their bathrooms, put their hands up!

A bathroom is one of the most used places in a home, yet one of the last places anyone cleans. But here is the thing—you needn’t dread the task of cleaning a bathroom if you have the right domestic cleaning supplies. Generally, routine bathroom cleaning is recommended at least once a week. However, there are some places in the bathroom which require constant cleaning to keep it sanitized and sparkling clean.

Contrary to popular belief, there is not much effort involved in tidying up your bathroom. With the right domestic cleaning supplies and some bathroom cleaning tips, you can keep your porcelain sparkling throughout the week. Have you ever wondered how a 5-star hotel keep its bathroom sparkling clean? They, of course, employ cleaning services, but the key lies in cleaning daily. If you are the squeamish kind, you can always hire cleaning services. For those who are not, following are some bathroom cleaning tips and tricks to get an idea of what you should clean frequently?

Guidelines for Cleaning Your Bathroom – Keep Your Toilet Bowl Sparkling Clean

Toilet cleaner manufacturers know that the toilet bowl is the most germ-ridden part of your home. That is why there are a lot of products available on the shelves that make it an easy task to clean the toilet bowl. Just give it a weekly wash with a good toilet cleaning product and wipe down the toilet seat and lids (and the sides) with a disinfecting wipe on a daily basis and you are good to go. You needn’t spend hours in cleaning the toilet; in fact, spend a couple of minutes a day to save yourself from cleaning a scum-filled toilet at the end of the month (which is much grosser!). You can also choose to use automatic toilet bowl cleaner tablets to keep your porcelain sanitized.

Wipe the Sink and Mirror

Make sure that you clean the bathroom mirror and sink daily to get rid of toothpaste stains, hair and soap scum. This will make your weekly cleaning of the bathroom much easier.

Do a Quick Wipe of the Walls and Floor

Here is a tip—do a quick wipe down the surface of the wall and floor after every shower. This not only helps keep your bathroom clean but also helps in slowing down the growth of mold due to less moisture. You will also need less cleaning product when doing your weekly scrubbing.

Change Linen and Take Out the Trash

Bathroom wastebaskets are usually small, which means they can accumulate trash in just a couple of days. Empty your trashcan frequently—at least once every two days if your bathroom sees a lot of traffic.

Change bath towels every other day and clean your bath mat once a week—depending on how dirty it is. Remember to spritz the bathroom with an air freshener every once in a while, to keep it smelling fresh and clean.

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