2019 Summer Musical Auditions – Aladdin Jr, KISD


Killeen, TX/2019: The Killeen Independent School District is always creating new opportunities to help its students learn new skills and become confident individuals. In furtherance of this goal, it is organizing the 2019 Summer Musical Auditions for students interested in mastering their voice, dance & movements on stage, acting techniques and much more.

The school district comprises of numerous elementary, middle & high schools, an Early College High School, a Career Center and 4 special campuses. The school district serves the communities of Killeen, Fort Hood, Nolanville and Harker Heights.

2019 Summer Musical Auditions: Disney Aladdin Jr.

The auditions are being held by the Killeen ISD Fine Arts Department.

Students from Grade 1 to 8 can participate in the auditions.

The auditions will be held on Thursday, April 11th 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 13th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Charles Patterson Middle School.

Rehearsals for the show will begin on June 3 – June 24.

The show dates are June 25th and June 26th.

Special Features Of Killen Independent School District

Safe and orderly campuses

Innovative, challenging and rigorous curricula

Superior learning opportunities for students

STEM Academies

Metroplex BHC

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

International Baccalaureate Programs

Career and Technical Educational Courses

A mobile family app

Camera monitored classrooms

Pathways Academic Campus

Online parent and student resources

Emphasis on extra-curricular resources

Gifted and Talented Program

Elison High Leadership Academy

Communities in schools

Dyslexia services

Junior ROTC

Great emphasis on reading

Free Math tutoring for weak students

Implementation of non-discrimination policies

Fun events and programs for students and their families

For its continuous improvement, KISD is always open to feedback and suggestions from both students and parents.

For more information related to the event or the school district, feel free to call at (254) 336-0000 or visit the KISD Central Office at 200 N. WS Young Dr. Killeen, TX-76543. You can also log on to https://killeenisd.org/