tropextrakt secures access to exclusive yuzu juice


tropextrakt, importer of exotic fruit and niche products, and the regional government of Go Heung in South Korea agree to expand their trade relationship and exchange know-how. An integral part of the agreement is the import of yuzu juice worth one million dollars from the Asian region. tropextrakt thereby secures long-term access to the coveted delicacy and production in accordance with European quality standards.

tropextrakt was the first company to make yuzu available to a broader market in the form of a juice. After the Frankfurt company obtained approval under the Novel Food Regulation, demand for the exclusive citrus fruit rose steadily in Europe. At present, it is higher than the quantities available worldwide.

The trade agreement with the Go Heung region now regulates not only the guaranteed quantities of goods, but also the further development of production standards. By providing targeted support, the regional government will promote the expansion of cultivation areas and pesticide-free cultivation and processing in accordance with high quality standards. The focus will remain on the certification of small and family businesses, which are mainly organised in cooperatives.

“The contract guarantees us sufficient quantities and the required quality of yuzu juice, which we supply to our customers in the food and beverage industry,” explains Ingo Kniepert, Managing Director of tropextrakt GmbH. “In addition, this close cooperation will allow both sides to develop additional know-how and expertise.” The contract was signed by tropextrakt Sales Manager Marcus Richter and Vice County Governor Kim Ki-Hong at an economic congress in Go Heung, a region known for its marine and agricultural products. tropextrakt also used the congress to strengthen long-term business relationships and to get to know new producers.

With its complex citrus aroma, slightly bitter like grapefruit but sweet like a mandarin orange, yuzu juice is becoming increasingly popular in the European market for refining foods and beverages. Due to its highly exclusive nature, the industry often uses yuzu for limited-run products. The flavours can be used to refine soft drinks, juices, smoothies, dairy products or ice cream for example. With just 10 to 12 millilitres of juice per fruit, this lime variety is not very productive and requires complicated processing, as the bitter-tasting seeds must first be removed. The yuzu originates from China. Today, worldwide cultivation is limited to a few areas in Japan and Korea.