To Help People Gain Self-Help Author Butta B-Rocka Releases “Fear of Failure” In May 2019


(April 01, 2019) – Author Butta B-Rocks is all set to release her book “Fear of Failure” on the 1st of May 2019 for which the pre-order begins on 1st of April 2019.

From her life experiences, she has shared about depression, rejection, going through a divorce, being in college, while she was raising her boys on her own and working. There was a time in her life when failure affected her a lot. But, there was a good time as well, where she realized that it is okay to fail as long as she learns from it and gets back on track.

With these life experiences, she has created the “Fear of Failure” as an autobiography and also as a self-help book for those with similar life experiences and looking for small hope in their lives to get back on track.

When talking about her creation, she says “Part self-help, part motivational autobiography, the experiences and insights that this book provides can help you turn away from the fear that failure will present in your life and will help you find your own way to the success and happiness you deserve.”

Inside the pages of this insightful and reflective memoir, the fear of failure has been laid bare and then gets out by a refusal to consent those insecurities and fears as being true.

About Butta B-Rocka:
The actual name of Butta B-Rocka is O. Robinson and in addition to being the author, she is also an actress, model, contributing entertainment writer, songwriter and an international touring artist.

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