Forising – Manufacturing Customized Panels for LED Lights


The past around 100 years have obviously witnessed lots of technology-based advancements in the line of standardizing the way of human living style. We are benefited from the engineered inventions in almost every domain with which we are associated. Following the same, lots of electrical and electronic devices are also introduced for reducing the efforts of humans. Rather more, almost all of those operate with the help of electricity. This way, we could not imagine even a single day of our life without electricity. But a well-known fact is that electricity has been one of the limited resources across the globe, and we must be very careful about its consumption and need to adopt several ways to preserve it.

One such a way is to use the modern LED lights manufactured by some good LED Lighting Company in China. At the same time of consuming very less amount of electricity, it produces very bright quality of white light. Many good manufacturing companies have also formulized ways to develop the LED lights emitting multiple colors and in beautiful customized panels. You may get those lights installed in your office, business place, and even at your home. But in case you are in the business of importing LED lights, you must be very cautious about choosing the firm from which you would buy the panels for LED lights. Because there are many firms in the market that manufacture those of poor grade.

One such good organization is Forising, from whom you may buy LED panel light in world customized per your requirements. The panels that we manufactured follow the practices based on the latest and advanced technologies. We are global suppliers of our products and have our major clients from the countries hailing from Middle-East, Europe, and America. We have seven years of experience in the market of manufacturing the LED panels. Our major clients include Samsung, Phillips, Epistar, Tridonic, and more. We also manufacture air cleaning LED panel light for our clients, which help in keeping the environment of the spaces clean by removing viruses, bacteria, and dust. We have very good capacity of manufacturing around 100000-200000 panels every month.

Contact Us:- forisingled

Factory 1: 2th floor, Wufeng Industrial Park building A,Haiyan Village, ; Jiaxing City, Zhejiang, China
Factory 2: Anbibang , technology park B,Xitian No.1 industrial park, Gongming, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China