Jewellery crafted for the modern-day bride dazzled all on the second day of Lotus Makeup India Fashion Week AW’19. Unveiled by Nirakara Jewels as part of its Cocktail collection in association with Suneet Varma, who lit up the closing show of the day with a bedazzling line, Anaya.
Seema Agarwal, Founder & Designer and Manoj Agarwal, MD, Nirakara Jewels launched Nirakara Jewels by drawing inspiration from classic techniques to create transformative designs that are rich in quality and craftsmanship. Nirakara Jewels handcraft pieces that amalgamate trends by using diamonds, polki, solitaires and stones which is their niche. The idea is to craft jewels that embody traditional and contemporary designs with their unique craftsmanship.
Speaking on the occasion, Seema Agarwal, Founder & Designer and Manoj Agarwal, MD, Nirakara Jewels, said, “We launched the latest ‘Cocktail Collection’ of our High Diamond Jewellery with Suneet Varma’s Anaya collection at Lotus Makeup India Fashion Week AW’19. The diamond necklace and danglers are designed and crafted with a keen eye to details. Precious stone with diamonds like emeralds, rubies and pearl give a more artistic touch to the pieces which are a must have for all the beautiful women out there. Women can wear them with their amazing western & indo-western dresses this wedding season. It was a pleasure to have everyone at our show and making it a huge success.”
Brides can adorn diamond jewellery which can elevate the look of any outfit. Good solitaire earrings and rings in various shapes and designs are perfect for the brides. Statement jewellery with a touch of tradition can enhance the style and modernity.
Availability: F-48, South Extension Part 1 and; D-Mall, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New Delhi.