Nexus Group Weighs In On Retirement and Pension Schemes


NEXUS Insurance Brokers LLC
Fourth Floor, Office No. 402
Emaar Square

Telephone: +971 4 323 1111

Surveys show that people who are on a retirement scheme want their pension to be invested responsibly. While there are millions of people enrolled in pension schemes, there is also a sense of distrust about what really happens to their money in the long-term. When the recipients know that their money is invested in a trustworthy retirement plan, this leads to confidence amongst savers.

Planning one’s retirement is one of the most important financial decisions that will be made in a person’s lifetime. Everyone looks forward to retirement following their working life. People deserve to enjoy a happy retirement. However, there is the worry that they may have left it too late. Investment for retirement must start at an early stage, where there is still time to make an investment that will be sufficient to carry through retirement.

“You have the option of taking control of how your retirement plays out”, says Mahmoud Nodjoumi, the Chairman of Nexus Insurance. Insurance companies in Abu Dhabi have a team of qualified consultants who can provide the best suited plan for one’s retirement. Every individual’s lifestyle is unique thus requiring a tailored pension scheme. Savers can pick from a few options.

Single premium investment

Medium to long-term savings

Savers with a UK pension left behind are eligible to qualify for recognised overseas pension scheme

The retirement fund will grow the quicker savers start investing in their pension scheme. This is referred to as compounding, where it is not just the earnings but also the amount that the investment accumulates.

About Us
NEXUS Insurance Brokers are the biggest financial advisors in the GCC region offering insurance, savings and investment products to individual and corporate clients from domestic and international product providers. We are an independent organisation with qualified professionals who have the expertise and experience to carefully select solutions and meet the needs of our clients from financial services and insurance companies in the world. The company was established in 2006 but has been in the region since 1989 as an arm of Zurich International Life. For more information visit our website on