Is Your Refrigerator’s Compressor Broken?


For an urban family, the fridge is one of the importance of electronic appliances. They can store prepared and unprepared food items for some time in the fridge. And if the fridge goes on the repair mode, then it is a cause of concern. Now, you have to check for other alternatives for saving food, other than a large repair bill or purchasing a new fridge. Since the compressor is an important part of the fridge, you usually check this part when the refrigerator has a cooling problem. This article will give valuable info on signs on how to tell if the refrigerator compressor is bad.

1. Make Room Around The Fridge
Ask a family member to help move the other items near the fridge. You should have some space to work on the fridge. There should be at least three to six feet between the fridge and the wall so that you can conduct the check.
2. Side Panel
You can easily locate the side panel. It will be held firm by screws. Now, use the screwdriver to make them loose. Do you find difficulty in locating the panel, or do not have the confidence to do the job? Then call a fridge repair technician. He can not only fix the problem but identify the right reason for repairs (present and future).
Are you able to do the job, of the side panel by yourself? Then start looking for the starter relay switch. You can with ease find them in the normal fridge. They will be located below the panel. You have to unplug the part from the compressor. Now, it will act as an indicator of if the compressor indeed requires a replacement.

4. You Have To Shake The Switch
Now, perform the task of shaking the relay switch. Did you hear the rattling sound? Then the switch has suffered damage. It is time for a replacement. In case of not hearing the sound, then the compressor does have a problem. So, it is time to call the expert skilled in refrigerator service in Bangalore via the UA app with ease. Get the opinion from an expert before deciding on replacement or repair options.