Various stints in the Al Badie Group has garnered Khaled Al Badie experiences in many fieldsVarious stints in the Al Badie Group has garnered Khaled Al Badie experiences in many fields



Abu Dhabi, UAE (25.03.2019) – The Vice President of Al Badie Group, Khaled Al Badie joined ABG during the early stages of his career and since then he has worked in various levels of positions in the group and risen to the highest managerial levels through his dedication, competitive skills, and adequate experience. Al Badie Group is one of the leading and oldest business groups in the UAE which was established in 1967 when the UAE was still not formed. ABG is owned by the much revered Al Badie family and has over 1000 employees working in multi-disciplinary lines of business ranging from defence and security, oil and gas services to travel and tourism, IT, marine, and more.

The various stints in ABG has fortified the skills of Khaled Al Badie and enhanced his insight in numerous fields, for example, discovering, setting up and management of companies; advancement of an assorted range of investments; and development of trading along with industrial relations on local as well as international levels. These experiences covered a huge range of business fields, like direct trading and indirect trading, paper production, water and electricity services, carpet manufacturing, oil and gas services, stocks trading, finance and economic consultancy, and various others. Besides the private sector, Khaled Al Badie has also held a number of major positions in the banking sector and other financial investment sectors.

Working in such a vast area of sectors has garnered Khaled Al Badie tremendous amount of knowledge and experience and has made him a name to reckon with.

About Khaled Al Badie
Khaled Al Badie is the CEO and Vice President of Al Badie Group, one of the leading business firms in the UAE which was established in 1967 before the formation of the UAE. Khaled Al Badie has worked in many positions in ABG before rising to the highest managerial levels and these stints has garnered him credible amount of experience and knowledge in the private sector.

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