UniRef’s new mission to provide University Education to refugees presented in Press Conference



Abu Dhabi, UAE (25.03.2019) – The ongoing civil war in Syria has cast a shadow on the future of millions of people who have left the country and settled in refugee camps in other countries in order to survive. Education for these refugees seems to be a distant dream when there are apprehensions over basic human needs. But internationally renowned Swiss humanitarian charity organization UniRef along with other parties has taken up the mission of providing quality University Education to hundreds of refugees settled in the Emirati-Jordanian camp in Jordan. The press conference on the same was held at the Pearl Rotana Hotel in Abu Dhabi under the tagline ‘Let’s build the Future through Education’ upon an invitation issued by the founders of the UniRef along with the managers of reputed business organization, Al Badie Group of companies.

The press conference presented the details about the UniRef University Education which is being undertaken by UniRef in collaboration with Isra University, Jordan Red Crescent, and Al Badie Group. Renowned figures including ministers, diplomats, academicians, and many others were invited to this presentation which included showcasing how this humanitarian project can provide higher education through state-of-the-art techniques and qualified personnel to young refugees in the Emirati-Jordanian camp.

The cofounders of UniRef, Mrs. Yvelyne and Mr. Bryan Wood addressed their messages of gratitude to Al Badie Group and its board of management which was represented by the vice president of the group, Mr. Khaled Al Badie for his pivotal role in execution of the plan of granting financial aid for this project.

About the Press Conference:
The press conference of Uniref’s mission of providing University Education to refugees in the Emirati-Jordanian camp with collaboration of Jordan Red Crescent and Isra University and financial support of Al Badie Group of companies was held in Pearl Rotana Hotel in Abu Dhabi. The conference was graced by noted individuals of the society upon invitation from UniRef’s founders and the managers of Al Badie Group.

For more information, please visit https://khaledalbadie.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/introducing-a-system-of-university-education-to-a-jordanian-refugee-camp/
