Reverend Serena – Offering an Energetic Way to Stay Away from Psychological Disorders


Summary: The following press release is written to provide information about Ms. Reverend Serena, whom you may contact for attaining spiritual inner awareness in your life.

At times it happens that you feel very exhausted because you might have either taken lots of stress in your life or would have worked beyond the permissible limit of your body. Such exhaustion could make you adopt behavioral problems that you may or may not adopt easily. You would realize it only when you may start arguing or quarrelling with every second person around. With that level of exhaustion, it is very crucial for you to consult some hypnotherapist in Saint Petersburg, who could help you in coming out from such a state. In case you are also suffering from any such a state, you may need Ms. Reverend Serena, who is a spiritual coach and hypnotherapist.

Rest than that, she is also a multi-modality health practitioner, who offers treatment of various disorders through the safest therapies. She herself follows a spiritual life since 1991 and uses her alternative healing practices in the favor of mankind. Starting 2006, she served as New Thought Metaphysical Minister by conducting Unity Village Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) sessions. She is also associated with the First Unity Spiritual Campus Spiritual Leadership Team. She also coordinates the management of wedding events. She offers meditation classes, along with the healing sessions for her followers. You may also approach her for conduction of your baby-naming ceremony, vow renewal, and life services ceremonies. She has the capability to make you realize about your inner power, which you may heal your emotions and stress.

The whole process, in turn, would make you live with peace, joy, harmony, and prosperity. In case you like to receive spiritual life coaching from Reverend, you may meet visit her office located in Saint Petersburg, Florida. You may visit her website for scheduling a spiritual life coaching session conducted by Peggy Ann Serena Hemmer. Her retreat sessions have been proven effective in coping up with the disorders from which her clients were suffering. Her spiritual sessions would make you feel relaxed at your mind and soul. Her sessions are specially formulated for those individuals who would have been stressed up by the exertion due to the hectic schedule and workload in their lives.

Contact Us:-
Company: Family Counseling Center/ Rev. Serena
Address: 2525 Pasadena Avenue, Suite M, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33707
Phone: +1 727-303-9929