Khaled Al Badie is becoming an indispensible part of the private sector of the UAE


Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (March 26, 2019) – Khaled Al Badie is one of the most prominent faces in the banking sector, other financial investment sectors and the private sector of the country. Having graduated with MsF in Financial Management from George Washington University, Washington DC, USA and a BA with a dual major in Business Management and Economy from the Chapman University, California, USA,
Khaled Al Badie has been implementing his knowledge and expertise in transforming the banking sector of the country. By essaying multiple roles throughout his country, he is now serving as the Vice-President of Al Badie Group leading a skilled team of selected number of highly qualified professionals with PhDs and MBAs.

Currently being employed at Al Badie Group, Khaled Al Badie holds multiple positions. The positions include CEO & Vice President of the Al Badie Group ABG, Managing Director of the South Trading Establishment, ABG, Managing Director of Al Badie Travel Agency, ABG, Chief Financial Officer, ABG, Chair of the Projects Owners committee, ABG, Chair of the Finance & Investment committee, ABG, Vice Chairman of Al Ain Al Ahlia Insurance Company, and Chair of the Investment committee, Al Ain Al Ahlia Insurance Company Insurance V.P. Other than being in the financial industry, Khaled Al Badie has also served in the banking sector, particularly in the Abu Dhabi National Bank. Khaled Al Badie has held the key positions including Secretary of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Manager of the Investment Banking Division and the Head of Asset Management Group and has risen to the esteemed position that he holds now through immense hard work.

Khaled Al Badie is a leading the private sector of Abu Dhabi as the Vice-President of Al Badie Group. With his skilled expertise and unmatched knowledge, Khaled Al Badie has been executing multiple roles throughout his career.

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Media contact:
Al Badie Group
Address: Hamdan Street, Al BadieTower, Level 2-3
P.O. Box 229, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Phone no.: +971- 2- 6322344
Fax: +971- 2- 6345284
