Pay Tata Power-DDL Bill Before 31st March and Stand a Chance to Win LED TV, Smartphones, Tabs and More


Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL) consumers can stand a chance to win prizes by paying their electricity bill before March 31st, 2019. The scheme offers consumers a chance to win exciting prizes such as LED TV, Smartphones, Tabs, flat cashbacks and more, on making electricity bill payment on or before March 31, 2019, with no outstanding balance.

Winners of the scheme will be selected through a computerised lucky draw of all eligible consumers in the month of May 2019. The winners will be notified via SMS on their registered mobile numbers as well as through registered e-mails with the CA No. The winners list will also be published on Tata Power Delhi Distribution’s official website:

A special Lucky Draw will be held separately for Consumers having due date in April 2019 but making payment on or before 31st March 2019. The aim of the scheme is to encourage consumers to make regular bill payments and to reward those who make timely payments.

The Company also organised Prize Distribution Ceremony for winners of December 2018 ‘Pay Bill and Win’ Scheme on 19th Mar’19 to reward the consumers who made timely payments of their electricity bills & clearance of all due bills before 31st Dec’18. Total of 174 consumers got selected through computerized lucky draw and won attractive prizes like LED TVs, Tabs, Smartphones, PayTm Cashback.

The Company is also running Cashback offers from PayTM, PhonePe, Rupay and BHIM App. Consumers paying through PhonePe can avail a cashback of ₹125 for New User and ₹75 for existing users per user per month. Consumers making a payment via NPCI on Rupay Card can get a cashback of ₹50, while consumers making a payment from BHIM app can avail a cashback of ₹51 for new users and ₹25 for existing users per use per month.

Tata Power-DDL has been an active promoter of Digital Payments and has seen an increase in the digital payments with an increase from 44.7% in March 2018 to 55.7% in Feb 2019. The trends are expected to increase to 70% in the coming FY 19-20. Tata Power-DDL also has a dedicated Digital counter at its customer care centers.