KLE Technological University bags 2nd place in Baja SAE


Baja SAE is an intercollegiate design competition run by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).The goal in Baja SAE racing is to design, build and race off-road vehicles that can withstand the harshest elements of rough terrain.

BAJA SAEINDIA 2019, the 12th edition of the BAJA series by SAEINDIA was conducted at the NATRIP facility at Pithampur, Indore, from 23rdto 27th2019.

A team of 16 enthusiastic students from KLE Technological University competed with over 50 teams from all over the nation to design, build and race single seater Off Road Car. The car is powered by a 4.5kW motor and a custom in house built battery pack of 110Ah rating.


2ndposition in the competition.

The team were also crowned as

1. Runners Up for Endurance Run which lasted for a unceasing 2 hour
2. 3rdin Manuverability event
3. 5thin Acceleration Run
4. In static events, the team achieved
5. 3rdposition in Cost Evaluation
6. Placed in top 10 teams for Sales Presentation and Design Presentation.