Once you make an order, your online retailer may have the option for doorstep delivery or pick up point delivery. Consider the financial implications first. Having the product delivered right to your door could be more costly. inov 8 cross training shoes Then again, going to pick up the shoe at a pick up station may have implications as well. For retailers that have these options, choose what works for you best. I personally prefer doorstep delivery in Kenya because the hustle of picking up the product removes from the convenience of online shopping.
My biggest lesson on this is that when in doubt, always buy a bigger size. The good thing is that children grow up fast and a larger size can be used later. However, the best thing is to follow the size guideline above to take accurate measurements. Take into account the shoe brand and where it originates. For example, shoes made in China are relatively smaller than similar African shoe sizes. Therefore, buy one or two sizes bigger to make up for the difference.
The biggest anticlimax is surprising your husband with a new cool pair of shoes. When the reality hits that the shoes can barely fit, you become devastated. Shoe fitting can be very intricate, especially when you are buying them for someone else. However, if you have done due diligence and are sure about the fit, style and quality, go right ahead and buy them as gifts.