LSP Transafe’s Chairman Successfully Speak on “Talkshow Semarak K3” at UNS Surakarta


LSP Transafe Indonesia Chairman Mr.Luki Tantra successfully gave a speech and explanation about Indonesian Competency Standard in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at “Talkshow Semarak K3” by UNS Surakarta. This expected to ensure the understanding and needs OHS Competency in Indonesia.

Jakarta, Indonesia – March 18th 2019 – For Immediate Release
LSP Transafe Indonesia ( announces that Mr. Luki Tantra, Chairman of LSP Transafe Indonesia has present and successfully speak at “Talkshow Semarak K3”. This event arranged by Himakesja K3 UNS (OHS Faculty) at Surakarta, Indonesia. In this Talkshow/seminar, Mr. Luki Tantra delivers speech about Indonesian Competency Standard for OHS in Indonesia.The event conduct at March 16th 2019.
“Talkshow Semarak K3” held at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)’s Auditorium at Jebres, Surakarta Province. This event uses hash tags as follows
• #talkshowsemarakk32019
• #himakesjaK3UNS
• #himakesjaeksplorasi
• #eksplordiriperkokohfondasi
• #d4k3uns
This event also attended by around a hundred participant coming from UNS, University Students around Central Java, as well as University students from region outside java and OHS related workers.

Also invited s guest speaker is Mr. Hendrajati. Mr. Hendrajati is a Lecturer, Writer, OHS Observer and founder of HSE Indonesia group; a group consists of Approximately 38.000 Members all around Indonesia.

Mr. Luki Tantra said on the speech that: At the upcoming globalization, competence certificate is needed by any profession. In Indonesia, the closest is ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Without any competence certificate, Indonesian workers, especially OHS/HSE can be easily overthrown by foreign workers.

It also said that college student can be sharper and competitive if they enforce their diploma with competence certificate according to their focus.

Ms. Anna Fauziah, Chairwoman of this event said that yesterday’s event was smooth and successful. The enthusiasm of the participating participants was great. Almost 50% of the participants who joining this event are coming from other College / University. This is in accordance with our target to brand our Study Program Outside our campus.

What are the differences with talk shows/seminars Conducted by us and others? If we compare the facilities and places provided are as good as others with pricier ticket. Our Training subject and training material presented is updated subject; And especially, our event is brought by extraordinary speakers.

The talk show program is not like an ordinary seminar program which only has material delivery and question and answer sessions, but in this event there is also a FGD so that in addition to getting enriched material from the speaker. This makes participants also get more tangible output. In this event participants were also given time to get acquainted with finding new relationships and with groups they could get to know more.

She also hopes that the talk show will be able to make all participants understand about the importance of OSH in every line of life. In addition, it is also hoped that they can further enhance and grow their awareness in OSH culture both in the campus, community and workplace.