Knowing your SMPP SMS server API


The world has always been subjected to changing technologies and technical advancements that deem to upgrade the existing functionalities and enhance the working methodologies in every space that is possible. Speaking to certainty, each technological up-gradation has allured humankind with potentials that were just an imagination someday in past. Talking on the same grounds, we as mankind have been a spectator to the way communication has changed in last few decades and how technological developments have managed to govern communication channels and provide the power of seamless communication to humans. Taking our instincts back in old days, our ancestors could have barely thought of being able to communicate with people around the globe, 24*7 and spread their intentional words to the audience they wished to. However, thinking with an eye to today’s era, the world is no more than a global village with its denizens pertaining the capability to interact with each other whenever they want without having any geographical barriers or constraints.

Adding feathers to these technological developments and continuing the same saga further, SMPP server protocol and SMPP SMS server API deem serve the mankind and extend its potential benefits to the businesses that will to communicate with their target audiences using bulk messaging solutions.

Understanding SMPP server API …

Certainly, SMPP protocol is the acronym delegated for Short messaging peer to peer protocol that is widely utilized by the telecommunication industry to send and receive short messages within the users by directly employing message centers and short messaging entity carriers. Speaking in layman terms, SMPP is a standard protocol that is used to exchange short messages between routing entities and messaging centers.

In operational terms, the short messaging service centers (generally referred as SMSCs) act as the servers that can be paired with external messaging centers and thus utilized for sending bulk messages. Here, it is noteworthy that the former centers act as the server side whereas the latter deem to be the client entity for the given transactional duration. Generally, the external entities target feeding SMSC with huge number of messages which shall be then transmitted/ sent to the given target audience. However, the entire process demands proper application integration which can act as the adhesive layer between the above two entities and ensure proper communication within them. SMPP server API does exactly the same and allures SMPP standard protocol to attain its significance.

A SMPP server API is an application interface that allows the external entity to integrate SMSC and simultaneously send messages using SMPP protocol. Generally, this protocol is based on version 3.3 or 3.4 of SMPP specification and is governed with its connection threading details as per the requirements.

Choosing your SMPP server provider …

SMPP protocol services prove to be of great importance provided you choose a SMPP service provider that matches pace with your requirements. For example, usually SMPP services are required by institutions to send messages round the clock. Thus, a message may be sent to the recipient in morning or evening or any other time of the day as and when required. While choosing your SMPP Server Provider you must ensure that the latter should sustain round the clock support services for your institution, if in case any issue arises. Similarly, one shall be distinctly taking care for the specification of SMPP Server API that is being offered. Taking on strict parameters, the institution must choose a SMPP server provider that features high performance carrier trades and facilitate the institution with seamless benefits of bulk messaging using SMPP protocol.