WBE – Business Events Portal


WBEpro.com is launched with a vision to become the No.1 business event technology platform that bridges the communication void between organizers and their attendees. The portal will help attending community to assess and select the right events while enabling event owners to build an enduring relationship with their prospects.

In today’s demand driven economy, organizers need to evaluate and rethink their strategies at all stages of an event lifecycle. We believe presenting maximum information regarding a high value event, during the target attendee’s event & budget planning stage significantly increases the chances of an event being considered.

The portal is designed to evolve significantly and positively disrupt the multi-billion-dollar business events industry but for now the focus is on getting 2 things done:

1. A comprehensive, easy to use platform that lists EVERY business event planned around the world

2. Help businesses around the world to search, review event information and select the right events for them.

The journey ahead with the vision set is going to be exciting and challenging but it’s one we feel is a MUST considering the ever-changing value dynamics for the various stakeholders involved. We commit to continuously invest and innovate our methods and solutions so the organizer, attendees and every stakeholder involved can continue to derive absolute value in this transformational era we thrive in.