Sci-Fi Author Launches Revolutionary Space Opera


Matthew J Opdyke is a brilliant and newly published Science Fiction/Fantasy Author with a passion for taking his audience on journeys into the cosmos and inspiring his readers to look at the world with a new vision of futurism. This space novel series is sure to enhance the spirit of fans and the future ideology of the whole world – portraying the relationships between a newly established team of intellectual superheroes, their psychological discovery of big ideas, new philosophies of healing and not harming and utopian-fantasy twists of advancements in science and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs.

This newly published Space Opera Series is titled ‘Further Than Before: Pathway to the Stars’ and will attract readers with a creative mind and a passion for looking at the world with a new vision of improving our environment, increasing our freedoms, and enhancing a state of mind toward progression.

A NEW publication titled ‘Pathway to the Stars: Part 4, Universal Party’ was most recently published as a continuum to his literary Space Opera saga and will be a delight to readers everywhere idealizing and readying for a newly-devised political system without limits that apply to our vast galaxy and the entire Universe!

Matthew prides himself on displaying empathy and ethics in his literary writings to captivate his fans. People enjoy Matthew’s literary appeal because of the positive angle and creative scientific and fantasy nuances they know they’ll specifically find within his writing style. Explore this original space opera series for yourself and discover the unlimited human potential within each of us in this newly orchestrated universe! Check it out and let’s journey through the Cosmos!

All publications are available on Amazon in eBook and printed format.

“Your dreams are yours to pursue, they are beautiful, and you can’t let anyone slow you down.”
~ Sky Taylor (Pathway to the Stars: Part 1, Vesha Celeste)

FTB Pathway Publications is an independent publishing gateway focused on promoting a newly released Space Opera series titled ‘Further Than Before: Pathway to the Stars’ written by Sci-Fi/Fantasy Author Matthew J Opdyke. For more information or to contact Matthew Opdyke, visit his author website at

Check out our promo video on YouTube for the latest release!