Global Racing Track Builder Strives To Inspire Positive Change through Racing


Stenna, Switzerland. March 13, 2019- Pump for Peace campaign gains track globally by giving hope to the young.

Cycling is one of the most popular sports in the world today. More people are taking up cycling not only as a professional sport but also as part of their healthy living. However, there’s one aspect of cycling that has not received much attention and that’s the positive impact it has on youths.

Cycling is now making positive change in many communities by giving youths an alternative avenue to utilize their energies. Mountain bike trails and pump tracks have come up in many communities and tis is largely due to the efforts of Velosolutions the a global leader in pump track and trail building.

The Swiss based company has started a global campaign dubbed Pump For Peace where youths from across the world get a chance to become pump track racers. The track builder has collaborated with communities across the world from South Africa to the U.S to build tracks and provide gear for youths in underprivileged communities. Through this initiative, more youths have turned away from vices with pump track racing now taking up their time.

Speaking during a follow-up of their #pumpforpeace initiatives in South Africa, the company’s coordinator was enthusiastic about the project,

“When we started out at Velosolutions, our goal was to ensure everyone had fun on a bike. We didn’t know that in a few years we would be meeting exciting cycling enthusiasts from across the world. Our mission is to drive more resources to these #pumpforpeace initiatives and make a bigger impact in society,” she said.

“ Our partnership with this community has seen the emergence of one of the best all female team of young riders called „Velosolutions Izimbali” and we have never been prouder. For all the award-winning mountain bike trails we have built in the world, nothing can beat this feeling of joy,” she added.

Velosolutions boasts some of the most talented bike trail and pump track designers and their impressive tracks have helped grow their reputation across the world. In addition to pump track building, they also collaborate with cities to build bike tracks to attract tourists and promote active lifestyles.

They have also introduced revolutionary technology in pump track building and products such as mobile pump tracks for indoors and outdoors use. Through their racing teams, the company nurtures talent from across the world and motivates youths to change and build their communities.


Velosolutions Headquarter

Via Stenna 4

7017 Flims


+41 76 394 18 37