lucas lamadrid


Lucas Lamadrid started his vocation in advanced education as a head ascending through the positions to leader of a college in the South Bay. Be that as it may, all through his time in advanced education Lucas built, redesigned, purchased and sold multimillion dollar structures. As a college head he made a culture which made client administration the vital esteem. Land was dependably a piece of his expert life. At the asking of his great companion and best land agent in the South Bay, Sandra Sanders, he chose to concentrate his endeavors on land since it is a business that changes lives—it is the place individuals live, eat, rest, unwind, bring up youngsters, have companions, and support the most vital connections in their lives. Lucas’ conviction is that in the last examination land isn’t about structures yet about individuals. He is tireless in finding the comfortable a purchaser or the correct purchaser for a dealer. His commitment produces results for his customers. lucas lamadrid