Firewood Suppliers in Sydney: Offering Premium Quality Firewood!


We Deliver Firewood is offering sustainable and legally sourced wood in Sydney to the Blue Mountains. We are a member of The Firewood Association of Australia Inc.

We present to you an assortment of mixed eco-friendly firewood that will ignite at the earliest and give warmth to you and your loved ones during a power failure. Hardwood logs and firewood for sale at our family owned outlets have the right moisture content and promise domestic heating with warmth and safety at lower utility costs.

Firewood comes in different types: soft or hard woods, fast to light or hard to light, quick burning, long lasting burn, extensive flames or little blazes. We offer the superior quality dry crackling firewood of different types to arrange: Red Gum firewood, Ironbark firewood, Mixed eco-friendly firewood, box firewood, seasoned hardwood and hardwood logs etc.

Originally based in Prospect, our yard has recently moved to a rural setting where we have proceeded with our firewood supply to all of Sydney. Being reliable Firewood Suppliers in Sydney, we are providing Firewood association certified wood straight to your door. We guarantee right weight and volume of wood supply to our customers.

Well- seasoned firewood will ordinarily have darkened ends with recognizable breaks or parts and will be broadly lighter than green wood. You can in like way thump two bits of the wood together, and if you hear a reasonable pounding sound, the wood is more than likely arranged.

Firewood is typically sold by the volume, and our very own is sold by the cubic cm. What you arrange in volume is passed on as our bins have been guaranteed by the Firewood Association. The correct kind of firewood can have a huge effect on the performance of your fireplace and stack system. If you require fires that burn efficiently and highly, you should simply use firewood that has been suitably sorted out, or dried.

Using green, or wet, wood can achieve smoking issues, notice issues, and fastened progression of creosote, which can prompt a perilous smokestack fire. Seasoning wood minimizes its moisture content to 10 – 20%. This makes your wood less smoky and is less complicated to burn and it likewise burns hotter than wood that has not been prepared.

About the Company:
We Deliver Firewood-best firewood supplier in Sydney to Mountains for 35 years. We offer the superior dry crackling firewood of different types in order. Firewood Suppliers in Sydney ensure the ideal moisture content and perfect warmth at lower utility costs. Our other essential products include blocked timber, hollow logs, whole logs and party wood.

Contact details:
Address: We Deliver Firewood
02 9631 9756
0418 401 069